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Discipleship is applying biblical information towards life transformation. We believe discipleship is more than a program or class, but a lifetime commitment to following Jesus. It means becoming more like Jesus. We experience discipleship through our weekly gatherings, growing with others in community and expressing God’s love and hope through serving those around us.

These tools and resources will help you thrive, and assist you on your faith journey. Select one of the areas below you would like to grow in:


your intimate relationship with God


Think of a life expressed as worship when you pursue life “upward”. Upward is an intimate relationship with God pursued through worship, prayer, Bible engagement and its corresponding spiritual disciplines.

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your intentional relationship with other Jesus followers


An intentional relationship with other Jesus followers. We call it community or doing life together. It is pursuing and experiencing God together, loving each other, sharpening one another, growing together, serving alongside each other and simply doing life together.

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your influence into the world around you


Influencing the world around you. How we live “incarnationally” like Jesus every place we go. It is telling our Jesus story with our words and actions as a reflection of our encounters with God through worship, prayer, Bible engagement, serving, giving, etc. Think of it as the application piece to our faith that impacts the lives of those who have yet to come to faith.

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What is most exciting is the life change that will take place in and through your life as you engage and apply the various growth opportunities. You will find many of these tools can be done individually, but we encourage you to share your experiences with others for your growth and theirs.


Ways to practice Upward:

  • Individually: Worship, Bible Engagement, Prayer, Silence/Solitude, fasting, memorization, meditation, etc.
  • Community: Weekend Gatherings, Baptism, Prayer, Fasting, Simply Worship, Encounters, Serving, Giving, Canvas Conference


We are excited that you are taking the “Next Steps” in your faith journey. We have seven short videos with action steps for each, designed to deepen your understanding of and faith in Jesus.

Watch Videos


Personal and group discussion questions from our weekly messages.

Check it Out!



Water baptism is an outward declaration of an inward, personal decision of obedience to make Jesus Christ the Lord of your life.
More About Baptism


What is Refresh? It is a simple way to engage with God and
others by reading, reflecting and responding to His word which will energize our faith.



The ACTS prayer method is simply an acronym for four elements of prayer that can keep you focused on God and what you are praying about.

View/Download ACTS Prayer Model


Ways to practice INward:

Gatherings, Join an activity or Life Group, Take someone to coffee, serve on a team, attend a Canvas event…



We are excited that you are taking the “Next Steps” in your faith journey. We have seven short videos with action steps for each, designed to deepen your understanding of and faith in Jesus.

Watch Videos


God designed us to live our best life with others. At Canvas, our Connect team is devoted to creating opportunities for people to experience God in a life-changing way through building healthy community.



God did not design us to live life alone.  At Canvas, we are devoted to creating opportunities for people to experience God in a life-changing way through building healthy community. 

Host a group/Find a group


Serving fills the “trifecta” as an expression of worship to God, to build up the body of Christ, and as a witness to others.

Sign up to Serve!


The gifts are best discerned and fleshed out in and through community. 

Spiritual Gifts Survey

Spiritual Gifts List


The DiSC is a easy-to-understand personality assessment resource that helps us better understand ourselves and those around us. Take the free assessment and then watch our “My Name Is” message series to have a better grasp on understanding the beauty of how God uniquely designed each one of us.

Take DiSC Assessment

"My Name Is" Message Series


Ways to practice OUTward:

Host a life group, plan a block party, join a community partner.



We are excited that you are taking the “Next Steps” in your faith journey. We have seven short videos with action steps for each, designed to deepen your understanding of and faith in Jesus.

Watch Videos


Get involved with a Serve Team!


Be a thread in the fabric of the community.

See where you can get involved!


Influencing the world around you. It is how we live “incarnationally” like Jesus every place we go.

Click here to learn more about being OUTWARD focused!

Where can I find answers to my Bible questions?


Thoughts, ideas, and actions steps to help strengthen and deepen your relationships.

Spiritual Disciplines: What Are They And Why Are They Important?

Spiritual disciplines are designed to develop and enhance your relationship with God and with others. The disciplines are something you are to do and a guide to help you experience God in a life changing way. Many of the disciplines are practiced alone, but can be shared and experienced with others to help one another grow and enhance the experience. Pick one below and set aside time to practice it.

(Matthew 4:1-11, 14:23, Luke 6:12)

What is it? Although we may respond in different ways to time alone, solitude is a discipline in which each of us can find fulfillment and freedom. This is because solitude is actually about us seeking a deeper relationship and intimacy with Jesus.

Why should I learn and practice this discipline? Solitude places us in a position to listen to the Holy Spirit and enables us to be present with God without distractions. When we are with God in solitude it draws us to a spiritual place so we can grow and be better present with the Lord and eventually with and for others. 

How do I do it? 

  • Schedule a time to be alone with God
  • Find a quiet place with limited to no distractions. (a hiking trail, park, lake, front porch, backyard, any place that will not have sound or visual distractions).
  • Allow the Holy Spirit access: Say the “Jesus prayer”, scripture, a characteristic of God, or other readings to help quiet you and be more focused and attune to God.  
  • Spend time listening to the Holy Spirit in the quiet
  • Write in a journal or type on your phone your observations or promptings from God. He may give you a word or a phrase to meditate on. Questions to ask during your time: What am I hearing from the Holy Spirit? What is hindering me from hearing? (Thoughts, worries, tasks to complete, a busy mind, or you are simply tired?)
  • If you tend to be a doing/busy person it may take you longer to focus or in a position to be still and listen.

Share your experience with a mentor, friend or mature believer

Bonus Thoughts: Take advantage of the “little solitudes” throughout your day. These are smaller moments where you can connect with God wherever you are. Time alone in your car to and from work or running errands, a walk in your neighborhood, a cup of coffee and a comfy chair in your home. I love to hike alone, finding places to sit, listen and reflect on a word or characteristic of God. 

For more information on Solitude: https://onelifeleaders.com/blog/celebration-of-discipline-week-6-solitude

(1 Kings 19:11-13, Habakkuk 2:20, James 1:26, 3:5-12, Revelation 8:1)

What is it? 

Silence is being quiet before God, and making the cacophony of voices in our world fade into oblivion. Silent and Listen both use the same letters, and that ‘coincidence’ seems intentional. Silence goes hand in hand with the discipline of Solitude—these two disciplines prepare us to listen and receive what God has for us today. Silence is a form of fasting from noise and talk, but not meant to be a permanent state of being.  Silence is for a season.

 Why should I learn and practice this discipline? 

Silence prepares us for surrender by not bringing our agenda to the front.  Silence allows us to hear the still, small voice of God. Silence allows God the freedom to speak to us through others. Sitting in silence is an act of faith as we believe God will make himself known to us in some way.

 How do I do it? 

  • Schedule daily time to be quiet before God.  Begin with 2-10 minutes a day.
  • Practice being silent for half a day, working up to a whole day.  Our world is so filled with noise and incessant chatter that it can take our minds and spirits a while to quiet down.  Expect the first hour(s) to be filled with random thoughts, but keep at it.  There is great freedom in trying, and wonderful reward in becoming more attentive to the Holy Spirit.
  • Choose to listen to others before you speak.  Silence gives the Holy Spirit time and space to sow thoughts in your mind and heart.
  • Sit in the silence with God and listen for what he wants to say to you—be attentive to what he calls you.
  • Practice the discipline of actively listening in silence.  

What are some of the obstacles to practicing this discipline? 

  • In our culture, studies show that groups can only bear 15 seconds of silence—this discipline may be one of the most challenging and least practiced among believers today.
  • We can be tempted to put on music, or read, but that isn’t waiting in silence.  
    • Share your experience with a mentor, friend or mature believer


(Joel 2:15, Ezra 8:21-23, Matthew 6:16-18)

  • What is it? Fasting is usually the abstaining of food for a period of time for spiritual focus on and the pursuit of God. Fasting is another companion to and way to express worship to the Lord.

  • Why should I learn and practice this discipline? 
  • Better focus on the things of God
  • Increase effectiveness in prayer
  • Guidance in decision making
  • Growing in self sacrifice and the denial of unhealthy desires and practices

  • How do I do it? 
  • Check with your doctor to make sure you are physically able to participate in abstaining from food. 
    • Begin with a partial fast of skipping a meal for the purpose of seeking God in prayer. 
    • Next try a 24 hr. Fast from food. (Lunch to lunch)
    • Attempt once a week for a few weeks before you begin a regular fast
    • Drinking water is necessary and fruit juices are recommended
    • Set times during the day for prayer, Bible reading, worship, and reflection
    • Journal thoughts, feelings, insights from the Lord during the time you fast


Share your experience with a mentor, friend or mature believer

For further information on Fasting: https://onelifeleaders.com/blog/celebration-of-discipline-week-3-fasting

What is it?

Service is a freeing expression of adoration and worship to God and love for others. We have the privilege of ministering to others through simple acts of kindness or the discipline of service, which in turn brings glory to God and furthers his mission.

Why should I learn and practice this discipline? 

Jesus calls us to do this! Anyone who wants to serve me must follow me, because my servants must be where I am. And the Father will honor anyone who serves me. (John 12:26 NLT). 

Jesus modeled for us this truth of serving others. For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve others and to give his life as a ransom for many. Matthew 20:28 (NLT).” 

Jesus both taught and modeled the importance of being a servant. Serving others is a great way to spread the gospel to our friends, family, coworkers, and our community.  Partnering with the church in serving helps accomplish the mission of Canvas and the biblical mandate that Jesus has placed in our hearts.

How do I do it?

At Canvas we strive to never do ministry at the expense of the volunteer, so we want to help you find your best service opportunity. Here are suggested ways to get started: 

  • Ask the Lord: Where do you want me to serve? Has he already placed a desire in your heart for a particular area of ministry?
  • Ask your family, close friends and even your co-workers: In what areas do you see me serving or have a gift for?
  • Ask yourself: What gifts, talents and life experiences do I have that I can use to help others?
  • Ask yourself: What do I enjoy doing that energizes me? 
  • Do  you see an opportunity to serve others but you don’t have experience in that area? No problem- we will train you!!
  • Talk with people who are involved in an area you have an interest in.
  • Once you have served in a ministry for a few weeks, here are questions to consider:
    • Do I see God using me in the lives of others?
    • Am I and the people around me better because I serve in this ministry?
    • Has the Holy Spirit given me ideas and dreams for this and further ministry?

Go to our Serve page https://canvas.church/kalispell-serve/ and check the service opportunities or ministries you would like to learn more about. A team leader will contact you to provide more information and/or help get you started!

What if it doesn’t work out? Try one of the service opportunities for a few weeks to see if it is something you enjoy doing. If it is…fantastic! If you find it isn’t a good fit for you, that’s ok, you can always try another ministry area. Sometimes you will participate in a ministry for a season and decide to take a break or to explore a new one. We want you to be successful in the area you serve. You might even pitch a new ministry idea to one of our team members and see how we might be able to make it happen. 

Watch The Next Steps Video on Serving: https://canvas.church/next-steps

For more information on the discipline of service: https://onelifeleaders.com/blog/celebration-of-discipline-week-8-service

Unlike our western concept of the term “servant” which is viewed through a lens of slavery and in the context of enslavement.  Biblically the word carries more of a freeing expression of adoration and worship to God and loves for others. Paul tells us in Romans 12:1,  Therefore, brothers and sisters, in view of the mercies of God, I urge you to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God; this is your true worship. Because of what God has done for us, his sacrifice for us on the cross, we respond by sacrificing our time and talents as a true expression of worship for him to others.  Another word for servant is minister. We have the privilege of ministering to others through acts of kindness and the discipline of service. We see Jesus served the disciples and the community throughout scripture. In 1 Peter 4:10 it says, “God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another.” The spiritual gift or gifts that God gives us are not meant just for ourselves but for the benefit and blessing of others.

How Am I Doing? Periodically check your spiritual pulse and take an action step forward.

Do an honest assessment of how you are doing in the following areas.

On a scale of 1-10, 10 being highest, how would you rate yourself in the growth area of

Upward: ______

Inward:  ______ 

Outward: ______

What will help you grow in that particular area?  What action steps will you take to help make this growth area happen? 

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